Words near each other
・ Index of philosophy articles (A–C)
・ Index of philosophy articles (D–H)
・ Index of philosophy articles (I–Q)
・ Index of philosophy articles (R–Z)
・ Index of philosophy of language articles
・ Index of philosophy of law articles
・ Index of philosophy of mind articles
・ Index of philosophy of religion articles
・ Index of philosophy of science articles
・ Index of phonetics articles
・ Index of physics articles
・ Index of physics articles (!$@)
・ Index of physics articles (0–9)
・ Index of physics articles (A)
・ Index of physics articles (B)
Index of physics articles (C)
・ Index of physics articles (D)
・ Index of physics articles (E)
・ Index of physics articles (F)
・ Index of physics articles (G)
・ Index of physics articles (H)
・ Index of physics articles (I)
・ Index of physics articles (J)
・ Index of physics articles (K)
・ Index of physics articles (L)
・ Index of physics articles (M)
・ Index of physics articles (N)
・ Index of physics articles (O)
・ Index of physics articles (P)
・ Index of physics articles (Q)

Dictionary Lists
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Index of physics articles (C) : ウィキペディア英語版
Index of physics articles (C)
The index of physics articles is split into multiple pages due to its size.
To navigate by individual letter use the table of contents below.


*C-ROT gate
*C. B. Collins
*C. Bruce Tarter
*C. Chapin Cutler
*C. E. Wynn-Williams
*C. F. Powell
*C. K. Raju
*C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
*C. Peter Flynn
*C. R. Hagen
*C. T. K. Chari
*C. Thomas Elliott
*C. V. Boys
*C. V. Raman
*CASTOR calorimeter
*CCR and CAR algebras
*CDHS experiment
*CEBAF On-line Data Acquisition
*CERN Axion Solar Telescope
*CERN Courier
*CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso
*CERN Openlab
*CERN Program Library
*CFD-DEM model
*CGh physics
*CHSH inequality
*CKM Matrix
*CLAS detector
*CLD chromophore
*CLEO (particle detector)
*CMB cold spot
*CNO cycle
*COGEMA La Hague site
*COMPASS experiment
*CPT symmetry
*CP violation
*CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
*CSA (database company)
*CTX (explosive-detection device)
*C band
*C parity
*Cabbibo angle
*Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix
*Cactus Framework
*Cadabra (computer program)
*Caesar Saloma
*Cahn–Hilliard equation
*Calabi flow
*Calabi–Yau four-fold
*Calabi–Yau manifold
*Calandria (disambiguation), three different kinds of physics equipment
*Calculating Space
*Caldeira-Leggett model
*Callan–Symanzik equation
*Callendar–Van Dusen equation
*Calogero conjecture
*Caloric theory
*Calorimeter (particle physics)
*Calorimeter constant
*Calvin Souther Fuller
*Camassa–Holm equation
*Camber (aerodynamics)
*Camber thrust
*Cambridge Structural Database
*Cameron Wright (weapons scientist)
*Campbell diagram
*Canadian Association of Physicists
*Canadian Geophysical Union
*Canadian Journal of Physics
*Canadian Light Source
*Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
*Canadian Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer
*Canadian Synchrotron Radiation Facility
*Canard (aeronautics)
*Canfranc Underground Laboratory
*Canonical commutation relation
*Canonical coordinates
*Canonical distribution
*Canonical ensemble
*Canonical probability distribution
*Canonical quantization
*Canonical quantum gravity
*Canonical transformation
*Capacitance electroscope
*Capacitance voltage profiling
*Capacitively coupled plasma
*Capacitor analogy
*Capillary action
*Capillary length
*Capillary number
*Capillary pressure
*Capillary surface
*Capillary wave
*Capture orbit
*Carbon-13 NMR
*Carbon-burning process
*Carbon (journal)
*Carbon detonation
*Carbon dioxide laser
*Carbon nanotube
*Carbon nanotube quantum dot
*Cardinal point (optics)
*Carel S. Scholten
*Carey Foster
*Cargill Gilston Knott
*Carl-Gunne Fälthammar
*Carl-Gustaf Rossby
*Carl Anton Bjerknes
*Carl Auer von Welsbach
*Carl August von Steinheil
*Carl David Anderson
*Carl David Tolmé Runge
*Carl Eckart
*Carl Friedrich Gauss
*Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
*Carl H. Brans
*Carl Hermann
*Carl Hodges
*Carl Kellner (optician)
*Carl M. Bender
*Carl Nordling
*Carl Pulfrich
*Carl Ramsauer
*Carl Sagan
*Carl Størmer
*Carl Wieman
*Carl Wilhelm Oseen
*Carlo Alberto Castigliano
*Carlo Beenakker
*Carlo Marangoni
*Carlo Matteucci
*Carlo Rovelli
*Carlo Rubbia
*Carlos Chagas Filho
*Carlos E.M. Wagner
*Carlos Frenk
*Carlton M. Caves
*Carlton R. Pennypacker
*Carminati–McLenaghan invariants
*Carnot's theorem (thermodynamics)
*Carnot cycle
*Carnot heat engine
*Carolin Crawford
*Carolyne M. Van Vliet
*Carreau fluid
*Carrier-to-noise ratio
*Carrier-to-receiver noise density
*Carrier generation and recombination
*Carroll's paradox
*Carroll Alley
*Cartan formalism (physics)
*Cartan–Karlhede algorithm
*Carter constant
*Cartoon physics
*Car–Parrinello method
*Car–Parrinello molecular dynamics
*Cascading gauge theory
*Casimir effect
*Casimir machine
*Caspar Isenkrahe
*Cassie's law
*Cassini's laws
*Cat state
*Catadioptric sensor
*Catapult effect
*Catastrophic optical damage
*Catherine Bréchignac
*Cathodoluminescence microscope
*Cauchy's equation
*Cauchy horizon
*Cauchy number
*Cauchy surface
*Cauchy–Born rule
*Causal dynamical triangulation
*Causal patch
*Causal perturbation theory
*Causal sets
*Causal structure
*Causal system
*Causality (physics)
*Causality conditions
*Caustic (optics)
*Cavallo's multiplier
*Cavendish Professor of Physics
*Cavendish experiment
*Cavity method
*Cavity quantum electrodynamics
*Cavity resonator
*Cebeci–Smith model
*Cecil Howard Green
*Cecil Reginald Burch
*Cees Dekker
*Ceiling (aircraft)
*Ceiling level
*Celestial spheres
*Celor lens
*Centauro event
*Center-of-momentum frame
*Center for Integrated Plasma Studies
*Center for Nanoscale Materials
*Center frequency
*Center manifold
*Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity
*Center of mass
*Center of mass coordinates
*Center of momentum
*Center of percussion
*Center of pressure (fluid mechanics)
*Center vortex
*Centers of gravity in non-uniform fields
*Centimetre of water
*Central European Journal of Physics
*Central body
*Central charge
*Central field approximation
*Central force
*Central potential
*Centre for High Energy Physics (University of the Punjab)
*Centre for Quantum Technologies
*Centre for Underground Physics in Pyhäsalmi
*Centre line thrust
*Centrifugal compressor
*Centrifugal force
*Centrifugal force (rotating reference frame)
*Centrifugal pump
*Centripetal force
*Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas
*Cepheid variable
*Cepheid variables
*Ceramic flux
*Ceramic petrography
*Ceramic petrology
*Chad Orzel
*Chain reaction
*Chalcogenide glass
*Chalk River Laboratories
*Chamberlin–Moulton planetesimal hypothesis
*Chameleon particle
*Champagne flow
*Chandana Jayarathne
*Chandra X-ray Observatory
*Chandrasekhar limit
*Chandre Dharma-wardana
*Change of decay rate
*Changes of the length of day
*Channel noise level
*Channelling (physics)
*Chan–Paton factor
*Chao Tang
*Chaos: Making a New Science
*Chaos (physics)
*Chaos in optical systems
*Chaos theory
*Chaotic Inflation theory
*Chaplygin gas
*Chapman function
*Chapman–Enskog theory
*Chapman–Jouguet condition
*Characteristic admittance
*Characteristic impedance
*Characteristic mode analysis
*Characteristic number (fluid dynamics)
*Characteristic state function
*Characteristic time
*Charge-exchange ionization
*Charge-induced voltage alteration
*Charge (physics)
*Charge carrier
*Charge carrier density
*Charge conservation
*Charge contrast imaging
*Charge density
*Charge invariance
*Charge ordering
*Charge qubit
*Charge radius
*Charge transfer insulators
*Charged black hole
*Charged current
*Charged particle
*Charged particle beam
*Charles's law
*Charles-Augustin de Coulomb
*Charles Archambeau
*Charles Bruce (physicist)
*Charles Cagniard de la Tour
*Charles Chree
*Charles Christian Lauritsen
*Charles Critchfield
*Charles Drummond Ellis
*Charles Fabry
*Charles Francis Richter
*Charles Frank (physicist)
*Charles Galton Darwin
*Charles Glover Barkla
*Charles Gorrie Wynne
*Charles Grafton Page
*Charles Greeley Abbot
*Charles Guillaume Alexandre Bourgeois
*Charles H. Henry
*Charles Haldat
*Charles Hard Townes
*Charles J. Joachain
*Charles K. Kao
*Charles Kittel
*Charles L. Bennett
*Charles M. Falco
*Charles M. Herzfeld
*Charles M. Newman
*Charles Panati
*Charles R. Bentley
*Charles R. Doering
*Charles S. Peskin
*Charles Soret
*Charles Tahan
*Charles Taylor (physicist)
*Charles Thomson Rees Wilson
*Charles Thorn
*Charles Tomlinson (scientist)
*Charles W. Misner
*Charles Wheatstone
*Charles Wylie
*Charles Édouard Guillaume
*Charlotte Froese Fischer
*Charlotte Riefenstahl
*Charm (quantum number)
*Charm quark
*Charmed Lambda baryon
*Charmed baryons
*Charmed eta meson
*Charpy impact test
*Chart datum
*Chartered Physicist
*Chasman–Green lattice
*Chaudhry Abdul Majeed
*Cheerios effect
*Cheick Modibo Diarra
*Chemical Galaxy
*Chemical Physics Letters
*Chemical Vapor Deposition (journal)
*Chemical affinity
*Chemical beam epitaxy
*Chemical force microscopy
*Chemical ionization
*Chemical laser
*Chemical oxygen iodine laser
*Chemical physics
*Chemical potential
*Chemical shift
*Chemical thermodynamics
*Chen Jiaer
*Chen Ning Yang
*Chen Yung-Jui
*Cheng Chemin
*Cheng Kaijia
*Cherenkov Array at Themis
*Cherenkov detector
*Cherenkov radiation
*Chern–Simons theory
*Cherry A. Murray
*Chester Carlson
*Chetayev instability theorem
*Cheuk-Yin Wong
*Chi-Wang Shu
*Chi b (3P)
*Chia-Chiao Lin
*Chia-Hsiung Tze
*Chia-Shun Yih
*Chiang C. Mei
*Chiara Nappi
*Chicago Air Shower Array
*Chicago Pile-1
*Chien-Shiung Wu
*Chih-Kung Jen
*Child's law
*Chinese Journal of Physics
*Chinese Optics Letters
*Chip-scale atomic clock
*Chiral Potts curve
*Chiral anomaly
*Chiral color
*Chiral gauge theory
*Chiral model
*Chiral perturbation theory
*Chiral superfield
*Chiral symmetry
*Chiral symmetry breaking
*Chirality (electromagnetism)
*Chirality (physics)
*Chirped pulse amplification
*Chladni's law
*Choke (electronics)
*Choked flow
*Chord (aircraft)
*Chris Adami
*Chris Hull
*Chris J. L. Doran
*Chris Quigg
*Chris Sachrajda
*Chris Wallace (computer scientist)
*Christer Fuglesang
*Christiaan Huygens
*Christian August Hausen
*Christian Christiansen
*Christian Doppler
*Christian Gerthsen
*Christian Heinrich Pfaff
*Christian Ludwig Gerling
*Christian Møller
*Christian T. Elvey
*Christian Wissel
*Christine Sutton
*Christoffel symbols
*Christofilos Effect
*Christoph Cremer
*Christoph Helmut Keitel
*Christoph Scheiner
*Christopher Aikman
*Christopher Bishop
*Christopher Hansteen
*Christopher Isham
*Christopher J. Hardy
*Christopher Jargocki
*Christopher Llewellyn Smith
*Christopher Polhem
*Christopher Stubbs
*Christopher T. Hill
*Christopher T. Russell
*Christopher Wren
*Chromatic aberration
*Chromatic dispersion
*Chromo–Weibel instability
*Chronology of the universe
*Chronology protection conjecture
*Chung-Yao Chao
*Churchill–Bernstein equation
*Chézy formula
*Circuit noise level
*Circuit quantum electrodynamics
*Circuit theory
*Circular dichroism
*Circular motion
*Circular orbit
*Circular polarization
*Circular polarization in nature
*Circular polarization of starlight
*Circulation (fluid dynamics)
*Circulation control wing
*Circumhorizontal arc
*Circumscribed halo
*Circumzenithal arc
*Claire F. Gmachl
*Clamper (electronics)
*Clarence Allen (geologist)
*Clarence Zener
*Clarendon Laboratory
*Clarity meter
*Clark Blanchard Millikan
*Classical-map hypernetted-chain method
*Classical Cepheid
*Classical Cepheid variable
*Classical Cepheids
*Classical Heisenberg model
*Classical Mechanics (book)
*Classical XY model
*Classical and Quantum Gravity
*Classical central-force problem
*Classical electromagnetism
*Classical electromagnetism and special relativity
*Classical electron radius
*Classical field theory
*Classical limit
*Classical mechanics
*Classical optics
*Classical physics
*Classical scaling dimension
*Classical theories of gravitation
*Classical theory
*Classical thermodynamics
*Classical treatment of tensors
*Classical unified field theories
*Classification of electromagnetic fields
*Claud E. Cleeton
*Claude-Auguste Lamy
*Claude-Louis Navier
*Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
*Claude Pouillet
*Claude R. Canizares
*Claude Wendell Horton, Jr.
*Claude Wendell Horton, Sr.
*Claudia Alexander
*Claudio Bunster
*Clausius theorem
*Clausius–Clapeyron relation
*Clausius–Duhem inequality
*Clean And Environmentally Safe Advanced Reactor
*Clearing factor
*Clebsch–Gordan coefficients
*Clemens C. J. Roothaan
*Clemens Timpler
*Clement John Tranter
*Clifford Berry
*Clifford Martin Will
*Clifford Shull
*Clifford Truesdell
*Clifford Victor Johnson
*Clifford analysis
*Climate of Uranus
*Clinical biophysics
*Clint Sprott
*Clinton Davisson
*Cloaking device
*Cloaking device metamaterial
*Cloaking device metamaterials
*Cloaking devices metamaterial
*Cloaking devices metamaterials
*Cloaking metamaterial
*Cloaking metamaterials
*Clock hypothesis
*Clockwork universe theory
*Close-packing of equal spheres
*Closed system
*Closed timelike curve
*Closed wing
*Cloud chamber
*Cloud condensation nuclei
*Cloud drop effective radius
*Clover (detector)
*Cluster (physics)
*Cluster decay
*Cluster decomposition theorem
*Clyde Cowan
*Clyde Wiegand
*Cnoidal wave
*Coandă effect
*Coaxial rotors
*Cobra probe
*Cockcroft Institute
*Cockcroft–Walton generator
*Code Saturne
*Code V
*Codex Arundel
*Coefficient of friction
*Coefficient of performance
*Coefficient of restitution
*Coefficient of thermal expansion
*Coefficients of potential
*Coffee ring
*Coffin corner (aviation)
*Coherence (physics)
*Coherence length
*Coherence theory
*Coherence time
*Coherent backscattering
*Coherent control
*Coherent information
*Coherent perfect absorber
*Coherent potential approximation
*Coherent spectroscopy
*Coherent states
*Cohesion (chemistry)
*Coincidence circuit
*Coincidence rangefinder
*Cold Big Bang
*Cold dark matter
*Cold fission
*Cold fusion
*Cold rubber
*Cold trap
*Cold trap (astronomy)
*Cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectroscopy
*Coleman–Mandula theorem
*Coleman–Weinberg potential
*Cole–Cole equation
*Colin Franklin (engineer)
*Colin Webb
*Collective diffusion
*Collective dose
*Collective excitation
*Collective excitations
*Collider Detector at Fermilab
*Colligative properties
*Collimated light
*Collimating lens
*Collision-induced dissociation
*Collision cascade
*Collision detection
*Collision response
*Colloid and Polymer Science
*Colloid vibration current
*Color charge
*Color confinement
*Color glass condensate
*Color superconductivity
*Colorimeter (chemistry)
*Colors of noise
*Color–color diagram
*Color–flavor locking
*Colossal magnetoresistance
*Columnar phase
*Coma (optics)
*Combination tone
*Combinatorics and physics
*Combined RF trap
*Combined gas law
*Committed dose
*Committed dose equivalent
*Committed effective dose equivalent
*Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations
*Common beta emitters
*Communicating vessels
*Communication physics
*Communications in Mathematical Physics
*Commutator (electric)
*Comoving distance
*Compact Linear Collider
*Compact Muon Solenoid
*Compact dimension
*Compact star
*Compactification (physics)
*Compaction simulation
*Compatibility (mechanics)
*Complementarity (physics)
*Complementary experiments
*Complete set of commuting observables
*Complex beam parameter
*Complex circuit
*Complex dynamics
*Complex fluids
*Complex harmonic motion
*Complex lamellar vector field
*Component (thermodynamics)
*Composite fermion
*Composite field
*Composite gravity
*Composite particle
*Compressed fluid
*Compressed magnetic flux generator
*Compressibility factor
*Compressible flow
*Compression (physical)
*Compression lift
*Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
*Compton scattering
*Compton wavelength
*Compton–Getting effect
*Computational Materials Science
*Computational Science & Discovery
*Computational aeroacoustics
*Computational chemical methods in solid-state physics
*Computational electromagnetics
*Computational fluid dynamics
*Computational geophysics
*Computational magnetohydrodynamics
*Computational physics
*Computed radiography
*Computed tomography laser mammography
*Computer Automated Measurement and Control
*Computer Physics Communications
*Comstock Prize in Physics
*Concentric tube heat exchanger
*Conceptual physics
*Concurrence (quantum computing)
*Concurrence principle
*Condensation (aerosol dynamics)
*Condensed Matter
*Condensed matter physics
*Conditional quantum entropy
*Conductance quantum
*Conduction band
*Conductive coupling
*Conductivity (electrolytic)
*Conductivity of transparency
*Conductor gallop
*Cone beam computed tomography
*Configuration interaction
*Configuration space
*Configuration state function
*Confocal microscopy
*Conformal anomaly
*Conformal cyclic cosmology
*Conformal family
*Conformal field theory
*Conformal gravity
*Conformal infinity
*Conformal supergravity
*Conformal symmetry
*Conformational entropy
*Congruence (general relativity)
*Conical pendulum
*Conjugate depth
*Conjugate variables
*Conjugate variables (thermodynamics)
*Conservation law
*Conservation of energy
*Conservation of mass
*Conservative force
*Conservative vector field
*Conserved current
*Conserved property
*Consistent histories
*Constant-energy surface
*Constant of motion
*Constantin Carathéodory
*Constantin Perskyi
*Constantin Senlecq
*Constantine Pozrikidis
*Constantino Tsallis
*Constituent quark
*Constituent quark mass
*Constitutive equation
*Constraint algebra
*Constructive quantum field theory
*Contact (mechanics)
*Contact angle
*Contact area
*Contact electrification
*Contact force
*Contact image sensor
*Contact mechanics
*Contact protection
*Contact resistance
*Contaminated Gaussian
*Contemporary Physics
*Continuity equation
*Continuous wave
*Continuum mechanics
*Contorsion tensor
*Contour line
*Contributors to general relativity
*Contributors to the mathematical background for general relativity
*Control moment gyroscope
*Control rod
*Control volume
*Controlled NOT gate
*Controlled aerodynamic instability phenomena
*Convection cell
*Convection heater
*Convection microwave
*Convection zone
*Convection–diffusion equation
*Convective available potential energy
*Convective inhibition
*Convective instability
*Convective mixing
*Convective overturn
*Conventional lens
*Conventional superconductor
*Conyers Herring
*Cooling curve
*Cooper electron pair
*Cooper pair
*Cooperstock's energy-localization hypothesis
*Coordinate conditions
*Coordinate system
*Coordinate time
*Coordinated flight
*Coordination geometry
*Copenhagen (play)
*Copenhagen interpretation
*Copernican principle
*Copper indium gallium selenide solar cells
*Core-excited shape resonance
*Core/Shell Semiconductor Nanocrystals
*Core (optical fiber)
*Core electron
*Core–mantle boundary
*Coriolis effect
*Coriolis field
*Coriolis–Stokes force
*Corium (nuclear reactor)
*Cornelis Dirk Andriesse
*Cornelis Rudolphus Theodorus Krayenhoff
*Cornelius Denvir
*Cornelius G. Hunter
*Cornelius Lanczos
*Cornell Electron Storage Ring
*Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education
*Corner reflector
*Cornering force
*Corona (optical phenomenon)
*Corona discharge
*Corona poling
*Coronal mass ejection
*Coronal radiative losses
*Coronal seismology
*Corpuscular theory of light
*Corrado Giannantoni
*Corrected fuel flow
*Correlation dimension
*Correlation function (astronomy)
*Correlation function (quantum field theory)
*Correlation function (statistical mechanics)
*Correlation sum
*Correspondence principle
*Correspondence rules
*Coset conformal field theory
*Cosmas Zachos
*Cosmic-ray observatory
*Cosmic Anisotropy Polarization Mapper
*Cosmic Background Explorer
*Cosmic Background Imager
*Cosmic Research
*Cosmic censorship hypothesis
*Cosmic crystallography
*Cosmic gravitational wave background
*Cosmic infrared background
*Cosmic microwave background radiation
*Cosmic neutrino background
*Cosmic noise
*Cosmic ray
*Cosmic ray spallation
*Cosmic ray visual phenomena
*Cosmic string
*Cosmic variance
*Cosmogenic nuclide
*Cosmological constant
*Cosmological decade
*Cosmological perturbation theory
*Cosmological principle
*Coster–Kronig transition
*Cotton effect
*Cotton tensor
*Cotton–Mouton effect
*Cottrell atmosphere
*Couette flow
*Coulomb's law
*Coulomb barrier
*Coulomb blockade
*Coulomb collision
*Coulomb excitation
*Coulomb gap
*Coulomb potential
*Coulomb staircase
*Counter-electromotive force
*Counter-scanned images
*Counterfactual definiteness
*Counting efficiency
*Counts per minute
*Couple (mechanics)
*Coupled-wave method
*Coupled cluster
*Coupling (physics)
*Coupling constant
*Coupling loss
*Coupling parameter
*Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition
*Course of Theoretical Physics
*Covariant Hamiltonian field theory
*Covariant classical field theory
*Covariant derivative
*Covariant formulation of classical electromagnetism
*Cowan–Reines neutrino experiment
*Crab cavity
*Craig Bohren
*Creation and annihilation operators
*Creeping wave
*Cremona diagram
*Crepuscular rays
*Crest (physics)
*Critical Mach number
*Critical Mass (book)
*Critical angle of attack
*Critical band
*Critical dimension
*Critical distance
*Critical exponent
*Critical field
*Critical heat flux
*Critical ionization velocity
*Critical line (thermodynamics)
*Critical opalescence
*Critical phenomena
*Critical point (thermodynamics)
*Critical radius
*Critical relative humidity
*Critical resolved shear stress
*Critical size
*Critical taper
*Critical temperature
*Critical variable
*Criticality accident
*Criticism of the theory of relativity
*Crookes radiometer
*Crooks fluctuation theorem
*Cross-phase modulation
*Cross-recurrence quantification
*Cross entropy
*Cross fluid
*Cross modulation
*Cross sea
*Cross section (physics)
*Crossing (physics)
*Crow instability
*Crowbar (circuit)
*Crown glass (optics)
*Cryogenic Dark Matter Search
*Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers
*Cryogenic particle detectors
*Cryogenic processor
*Cryogenic storage dewar
*Cryoscopic constant
*Crypton (particle)
*Cryst. Growth Des.
*Cryst Growth Des
*Crystal (software)
*Crystal Ball (detector)
*Crystal Ball function
*Crystal Growth & Design
*Crystal Growth & Design.
*Crystal Growth and Design
*Crystal growth
*Crystal model
*Crystal momentum
*Crystal monochromator
*Crystal optics
*Crystal oven
*Crystal structure
*Crystal structure of boron-rich metal borides
*Crystal structure prediction
*Crystal system
*Crystal twinning
*Crystalline solid
*Crystallographic database
*Crystallographic defect
*Crystallographic group
*Crystallographic point group
*Crystallographic restriction theorem
*Crystallography and NMR system
*Csaba Csáki
*Ctirad Uher
*Cu-Pt type ordering in III-V semiconductor
*Cubic crystal system
*Cubic metre
*Cumulative dose
*Cunningham correction factor
*Cuntz algebra
*Curie's law
*Curie constant
*Curie temperature
*Curie–Weiss law
*Curl (mathematics)
*Current (stream)
*Current algebra
*Current density
*Current density (quantum mechanics)
*Current quark
*Current quark mass
*Current sheet
*Current sources and sinks
*Current superfield
*Curtis Callan
*Curtis J. Humphreys
*Curvature invariant
*Curvature invariant (general relativity)
*Curved mirror
*Curved spacetime
*Cuspy halo problem
*Custodial symmetry
*Cutoff (physics)
*Cutoff voltage
*Cycles of Time (book)
*Cyclic model
*Cyclonic separation
*Cyclops laser
*Cyclotron radiation
*Cyclotron resonance
*Cylinder stresses
*Cylinderical cloak
*Cylindrical multipole moments
*Cyril Domb
*Cyril Hilsum
*Cyril Isenberg
*Cyril Norman Hinshelwood
*Cyril Sinelnikov
*Czesław Białobrzeski
*Czochralski process
*César Lattes

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